Milena Tatalovic from Belgrade in Serbia presents a history school book, where Chernobyl is mentioned. It is the only one she found with references to the Chernobyl issue.
I went through the textbooks we used at our high school and all I found was a very brief mentioning of the Chernobyl disaster. The Chernobyl is mentioned only in the first sentence of the lesson named „European Integration – From idea to realization“. The sentence goes like this:
„Economic difficulties, and then the political changes, crashed the socialistic system. With the 1989 changes, the period in which Soviet`s tried to impose their political and social system to people from Baltic to Egej see, is finished.“ The Berlin wall fall down and the cold war was finished by western victory. The key events until 1999 were nuclear catastrophe in Chernobyl, breakup of the SSSR, break up of Yugoslavia, Gulf War, the creation of single currency Euro…“
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